First things first, no matter what you are trying to do on your website, you are going to need to login into the MODX Content Manager generally found at
*Note: This guide uses screenshots/examples from MODX Revolution. MODX Evolution is very similar, but it does vary slightly.
Select a Page
In order to add a link, you obviously will need a page to put it on! Click on the page you would like to edit in the "website tree" under the Resources tab. This will open up the page editor for that page. If you need more help with the resource tree, please see our other MODX 101 Understanding the Resource “Website Tree”.
Inserting a Link
- Once on the page you wish to add a link to, go to the content editor box.
- Select the text that you want your link to be on. You can either type new text to select, or select existing text in this step. Whichever your heart desires.
- Click the link icon in toolbar to insert a link.

- Either type an address into the url field to link to another website, select a page on your site through the search bar, or select the icon to the right of the Link URL box to link to a file.

- If linking to a file, a popup window will appear allowing you to select your desired file. Either search your resources, or upload a file using the buttons at the bottom of the box. When desired file is selected/uploaded, select “Ok”.

- Optionally you can select under target drop-down if link should open within existing window or a new window. Generally we recommend selecting “Open in a New Window”. This allows users to view your link, while still keeping them on your page.

- Once your link is selected, and your target chosen, click the “Insert” button at the bottom of the box.
- When finished, select “Save” on the content editor window.
You now have successfully added a link to your site!
Need More Help?
As always Three Eyed Bird is here to help. Do you feel like you need a little more one-on-one help in learning how to better manage your web content in MODx Revolution? No problem! We offer hourly tutoring to get you off and editing in no time. Just can't find the time to sit down and do it? Three Eyed Bird also offers maintenance plans that are customized for you and your needs.Contact us today to discuss how we can help you do business better.