Setting Up Google Adwords: Constructing Ads

When it comes to Google Adwords, your actual ad is the face of your campaign. It’s the first things potential customers will see, and what hopefully attracts them to learn more about the products or services you offer. Having an ad that is straightforward, detailed, and compelling is key when creating your Google Adwords Ad. Overall, your goal when creating an effective ad is to target your audience by showing users that you have just the thing they are looking for! Kind of like a cheesy late night dating ad.

So how do you go about creating a catchy, informative (yet short) ad that will drive people to find out more? The formula is simple: know the makeup of your ad, and what should go where.

The simplest way to explain this is by going through the anatomy of an ad step by step.

Step Numero Uno: The Headline

The headline is the eye-catcher right at the top of your ad, usually bolded and underlined. Exemplary headlines relate directly to those nifty keywords being searched, thus making it relevant to whatever the user was searching. With that being said, it’s best to include one of your keywords within your headline. Headlines should focus on the specifics of what you’re offering, and contain your relevant keywords. For example, you wouldn’t want to just put your company’s name as the headline, but instead one of your company’s core selling points, along with the keywords that trigger it within the statement itself. Just remember, your headline is limited to 25 characters, so keep it short and sweet and right to the point!

Step Numero Dos: The Description

The description lies just below the headline, and should detail both key concepts and benefits of your product or service, along with a clear call to action. Your description is limited to 2 lines of 35 characters, so once again, keep it short and to the point. Often times it is helpful to list out the products or services relevant to your adgroup (for example, cowboy hats, or specialty hats). Then go on to add the benefits (maybe free shipping, or bulk discounts). Finally, end with a call to action, such as order now, or join today. Just make sure when creating a description that you are not too overly general. You want to be specific enough with details on what you’re offering to draw people in, and make your ad as effective as possible.

Step Numero Dos: The URL

Now, this seems like a no brainer. A link at the bottom going to your website. However, there are two URLs you need to be aware of: the display URL and the destination URL. The display is just as it sounds, the web address that users will view on your ad. This does not have to be the same as your destination URL (where the users will land when they click on your ad). However, it does have to be an actual URL on your site. Your destination URL should go to a landing page that is specifically related to your ad and keywords instead of just your company’s homepage. That way when a user clicks on your ad in hopes of finding the product they searched for, they are brought to a relevant page and do not have to spend time searching your whole site.

So there you have it, folks! The process of writing an Google Adwords Ad. While it’s outwardly simple, be sure to spend some time thinking your ad copy through. Just throwing some basic ad copy up will not cut it when trying to get the most from your Google Adwords campaign(s). If you’re struggling with writing catchy, relevant Google Adwords ads, give us a holler over at the nest. We’re always excited to help with conundrums, or talking you through the many facets of Google Adwords.